Wednesday, July 23, 2008


- fortune:

The most famous myths prevalent among novices is to conceive that the random movement in the market, and anyone can beat random beatings, and stands firm on its to win. Of people believe that it has to win to open the terminal, and puts his hand on a pair of currency pairs, and then a blind eye to indications on the sale or purchase, and then wait minutes or hours or days to see profit fall in its calculation without study or analysis or " Head pain. "

Apart from saying that this is the gambling itself, however, this trade can not be continued profit in this manner. The failure of times hit again. The market is much more complex than this, and much deeper than "knock indiscriminate" and would not have lost one.

There is no doubt that the biggest proof of this lies the myth that the losers are always the lack of knowledge and expertise, and the 10% profit in the currency market are often the traffickers more experience, and experience mean harmony with the market, and understanding of the Movement of the husband or husbands, which works out shops, realization of the policy Department of Finance and to control the psychological condition of shops, and an arbitrator in the style of trading.

If you myth of the day we came out and "guide" A profitable rackets as "coincidence".

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